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Why I Love Being A Financial Advisor

There are so many misconceptions when it comes to the words “financial advisor.” But in fact, being a financial advisor is so much more rewarding and impactful than you think. Matt Atchison, the Senior Executive Vice President and Financial Advisor with SageSpring Wealth Partners, is sharing his powerful story of why he loves being an advisor. 

Why I Became A Financial Advisor

I didn’t even know that being a financial advisor was a profession until I was 19 years old. In fact, I grew up wanting to make an impact as a history teacher. I grew up in the small town of Holdrege, Nebraska where my parents and grandparents worked super hard as educators. I always valued the role and the impact a great teacher could have on someone’s story. And once I met my own financial advisor, I recognized that having the heart of a teacher, especially when it came to personal finances and investing, would bring so much value. 

At a young age, my parents taught my siblings and I the importance of working hard. So, I worked quite a few jobs. I did everything from a daily paper route after school, to bagging groceries, landscaping and I even detasseled corn for seven summers (that’s hard work!) After high school, I went to study at Creighton with a major in history. 

The summer after my freshman year, I decided to sell books with Southwestern Advantage – SageSpring’s former parent company. In that program, I relocated to Massachusetts and worked a grueling 80+ hour work week all summer. I learned a lot about myself by being away from home and out on my own. It was one of the hardest experiences of my life, but through that experience, I proved to myself I could excel at hard things. 

Because of my hard work, I made pretty substantial earnings for a college student. One of my mentors at the time encouraged me to “pay myself first” after that first summer, so she introduced me to a financial advisor to open a Roth IRA. I went into that first meeting thinking I was going to put the maximum amount into a Roth IRA. But something very different happened. Instead, he helped me build a spending plan, pay off a car loan, set aside money to study abroad, and put aside money in an emergency fund. After all of that, I ended up only funding $4,000 to a Roth IRA. I thought it was pretty cool for him to advise me in that manner even though it meant I was investing less money with him. He clearly had my best interest in mind as he advised me. He taught me what it looked like to build a solid financial foundation and that made a huge impact on me and how I saw the profession.

Why I Love Being A Financial Advisor

One of the biggest drivers behind my decision to become an advisor was that I wanted to do something that helped people so much that they wouldn’t experience “buyer’s remorse.” One of the hardest parts about selling books in college was that some of my customers would cancel their orders within just a few days of buying them. This created a mixed bag of emotions for me as I realized how important it was to have a quality product and give people honest expectations. This solidified my commitment to always be able to do what I say I’m going to do for someone. Because of that, it’s shaped our team’s core values today. It’s really important to me that the pinnacle of someone’s experience with our team is never the “sale” when they agree to come aboard as a client. Instead, the goal is that the longer we work together, we continue raising their expectations for a pinnacle experience. That will never change for us and is the reason I’m so committed to building a great team that works together to give clients much more than I ever could on my own.

The Benefit of Having A Financial Advisor

Financial advisors have the unique opportunity to make layers upon layers of positive impact with their clients. They can help provide clarity and honest guidance to someone’s financial situation. This is why so many in our industry focus on detailed financial planning regarding your investments, taxes, and retirement. When people know where they stand, it frees them up to live more confidently. It’s really fun to witness. 

But on a deeper level, there is so much more that a great financial advisor can help with. Money, and its periphery in our lives, might be one of the most complicated subjects that adults have the opportunity to deal with. Personally, I’m really drawn into these gray areas where a financial calculator or a software program can’t give you the “right” answer for your specific circumstances. This gray space is why I do what I do. I really enjoy helping clients navigate critical decisions that impact their family tree and community in a positive way. 

If you’re unsure about using a financial planner or which advisor to work with, that’s okay. Here are a couple of things to think through as you make your decision: 

  1. Think through the different areas in your financial periphery where you might benefit from wise, trusted counsel. 
  2. Think about asking trusted friends or colleagues who may have a good relationship with their advisor a few questions: “Do you love working with your advisor? Does your advisor or planner seem indispensable to your life? In what ways do they add value to your life? Do they do more than just pick your investments?” 
  3. Have open and honest conversations with this new potential advisor. Be willing to open up to them and also be willing to share your distrust openly with them. 
  4. Lean in to the relationship. Get to know them and let them get to know you. If you find the right fit, you will go further—together.

Reach out to one of our trusted advisors at SageSpring Wealth Partners. We would love to walk with you and hopefully provide a positive impact on your life as you seek to build your firm financial foundation. 

And if you’ve ever thought about the impact you could make by becoming a financial advisor, I hope my story has given you some inspiration to keep taking steps down this road. Please reach out to my team at SageSpring. We’d love to talk to you about next steps on your journey. 

Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Raymond James. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. The information contained in this blog does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. Every investor’s situation is unique and you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance and time horizon before making any investment. Prior to making an investment decision, please consult with your financial advisor about your individual situation.

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Jeffrey T. Dobyns


President, SageSpring | Financial Advisor, RJFS 

Jeffrey T. Dobyns

President, SageSpring | Financial Advisor, RJFS

Beyond crunching numbers and investment strategies, at SageSpring, we’re about building relationships. When you encounter Founder & President of SageSpring, Jeff Dobyns, it’s easy to understand why this is at the very heart of who we are as a firm. You won’t find stuffy formalities with Jeff; instead, you can expect to find him sharing a warm smile, communicating a compelling vision, or patiently untangling life’s complex challenges with clients. He believes in truly getting to know clients, understanding their aspirations and priorities, and navigating their financial plans with a tailored, comprehensive approach. Our team members have often been caught taking notes on Jeff’s effortless relationship skills from a distance, and we admire them for striving to learn from one of the best. 

Jeff’s financial expertise and wisdom are the perfect match to his innate people skills. Jeff holds the prestigious CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM certification, Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChLU®) designations, and has held executive positions with financial planning firms for more than two decades. 

His dedication extends beyond the office to the boardroom and the local community, where Jeff is passionate about giving back. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Men of Valor, a prison ministry and mentoring program. Jeff also serves on the board of Send Musicians to Prison, which shares hope, healing and restoration with the imprisoned through musicians & artists. Jeff actively supports other initiatives in the community by sitting on the board of The Signatry of Middle Tennessee and the Halftime Institute of Nashville. 

Witnessing his four children, Gracyn, Hunter, Tanner, and Logan, excel on the field is almost just as rewarding, if not more, than celebrating the victories of seeing his clients overcome obstacles and build wealth. Spending weekends boating on the lake, hiking mountain trails, and fishing with his family are the moments Jeff cherishes most. It’s this grounded perspective that reveals the true meaning of wealth for Jeff: not just numbers on a page, but the freedom to create experiences that enrich your life and the lives of those you love. When you choose the Dobyns McMillin Wealth Team, you choose more than financial expertise. You choose a partner who champions your dreams, celebrates your victories, and walks besides you on the path to achieving your unique goals.

**Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.